Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers - 450 7th Ave Suite 1605, New York, NY 10123 - Personal Injury Lawyers in NYC

Bronx Negligent Security Lawyer

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Bronx Negligent Security Lawyer

Bronx residents and visitors have a right to feel safe and secure in their apartments, hotels, stores, and restaurants. Property owners who rent rooms and apartments and those who invite customers or patrons to their property have a duty of care to take reasonable measures to keep those on the property safe, not only from typical hazards such as slip-and-fall accidents but also from attacks and acts of violence.

If you suffered harm due to negligent security on a property where you had a right to expect reasonable security measures, you don’t have to be alone with the economic consequences as well as the pain and trauma.

Call the Bronx premises liability attorneys at the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel at (212) 564-2800 for a free consultation today.

Bronx Negligent Security Lawyer


What Is Negligent Security In The Bronx?

New York City case law has established that property owners or those in control of a property have the following legal obligations:

“to use reasonable care to keep the premises in a reasonably safe condition for the protection of all persons whose presence is reasonably foreseeable.”

Part of this legal duty is to provide appropriate security measures to minimize the risk of physical harm coming to those lawfully on a property, including through acts of violence. When a property owner fails to provide adequate security measures despite known risks, an injury victim may hold the property owner liable for their damages. Damages in a negligent security claim in The Bronx include the economic and non-economic consequences of a violent attack.

Examples of Inadequate Security In The Bronx

Property owners in The Bronx and throughout New York have a legal duty of care that includes remaining aware of the crime risk of the neighborhood where they have property and providing adequate security measures to mitigate risks to those lawfully on the property. Common examples of negligent security include the following:

  • Inadequate lighting
  • Inadequate locks
  • Broken locks
  • Lack of gates or fences
  • Broken gates
  • Lack of security cameras
  • Lack of security guards
  • Inadequate alarm system
  • Inadequate security training or inexperienced security guards
  • Lack of security practices

To recover damages in a Bronx negligent security claim requires showing that your presence on the property was lawful, the property owner could have reasonably foreseen a security risk on their property, and they neglected to install reasonable security measures that could have prevented your injury and damages. A personal injury attorney in the Bronx will be able to assist with any of your legal needs should negligent security cause you any harm.

What Types of Damages Occur Due to Negligent Security?

Unfortunately, properties with negligent security attract those who intend harm. Robberies, muggings, rapes, and violent assaults may result from inadequate building security, causing physical and emotional trauma. Common damages recovered in a negligent security claim against a liable property owner include the following:

  • Property damage costs
  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses related to the injury
  • Lost wages
  • Future income loss
  • Diminished future earning capacity (when an injury causes disability)
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for emotional trauma, PTSD, anxiety, or depression

After a violent attack, it’s common to suffer from emotional trauma as well as physical injuries. Proving emotional damages requires showing evidence such as attendance at counseling sessions and victim support groups.

How Can a Bronx Negligent Security Lawyer Help Me?

Damages from physical injuries, expensive medical care, and emotional trauma can quickly mount after a violent attack. When a property owner’s negligence led to the attack, you don’t have to be left accountable for the economic damages as well as the physical and emotional pain.

Call the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel at (212) 564-2800 or contact us online for experienced legal counsel and a sense of justice.

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New York City Office 

450 7th Ave Suite 1605
New York, NY 10123
(212) 564 2800

Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury - New York City Office in 450 Seventh Ave., Suite 1605 New York, New York 10123


Brooklyn Office 

26 Court St., Suite 2511
Brooklyn, NY 11242
(718) 802-1600

Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury - Brooklyn Office in 26 Court St., Suite 2511 Brooklyn, New York 11242


We are available to take your call 24/7


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