Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers - 450 7th Ave Suite 1605, New York, NY 10123 - Personal Injury Lawyers in NYC

Brooklyn Texting While Driving Accident Lawyer

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Brooklyn Texting While Driving Accident Lawyer

Brooklyn Texting While Driving Accident LawyerHave you been injured in an automobile accident caused by another driver texting while driving in Brooklyn, New York?  One of the first things you need to do after being involved in a texting while driving accident is contacting your Brooklyn Texting While Driving Accident Attorney.

The state of New York has banned all use of handheld cell phones while driving.  The state takes this ban so seriously that an officer can give you a ticket for talking on a handheld cell phone while driving even if you have not committed any other infraction.

Texting while driving is a secondary infraction, which means the driver must commit another infraction, such as speeding, to get a ticket for texting.

This may be due to the inability of an officer to see a person texting while driving.  It certainly is not because texting is safer than talking on a handheld cell phone.

Texting while driving is quickly becoming one of the most common causes of driver distraction accidents.  A distracted driver is an unsafe driver, and unsafe drivers are the most dangerous on the road.

If you have been injured in an automobile accident that was caused by a distracted driver who was texting, you may need the help of experienced personal injury attorney Jay S. Knispel.

Contact Mr. Knispel today at (718) 802-1600 for a free consultation regarding your case.  The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers have extensive experience in recovering compensation for those injured in distracted driving car accidents, including texting while driving.

Distracted Driving Facts

Although texting while driving is one of the newer ways for drivers to get distracted while on the road, studies have already been done regarding texting while driving, and the results are alarming.  One study by Virginia Tech has come to the following conclusions:

  • Texting is the most dangerous thing a driver can do with a cell phone while driving.  Talking, dialing, and reaching for the phone are much less distracting to the driver.
  • Teen drivers are four times more likely than adults to get into car crashes or near-crash events directly related to talking on a cell phone or texting.
  • Texting while driving increases the likelihood of getting into an accident by 23.2 times over a driver that is paying full attention to the road.
  • While a driver is texting, his or her eyes leave the road up to 75% of the time, making texting the most distracting of all cell phone-related activities.

Free Legal Consultation From Our Brooklyn Car Accident Law Firm

Accidents involving a driver who was texting while driving is quickly becoming the most common form of distracted driver accidents across the nation.

If you have been injured in a car accident that involved the other driver texting while driving, it is important that you have an attorney with experience in handling this type of case.

The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers have extensive experience in litigating all types of distracted driver cases in the Bronx and Brooklyn areas, including texting while driving.

We have helped numerous victims of negligent driving recover compensation for injuries, lost wages, and medical expenses.  They can help you too.

Contact the law firm of Jay S. Knispel today for a free consultation regarding your personal injury case. There is never a fee unless we collect on your behalf.

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New York City Office 

450 7th Ave Suite 1605
New York, NY 10123
(212) 564 2800

Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury-New York City Office


Brooklyn Office 

26 Court St., Suite 2511
Brooklyn, NY 11242
(718) 802-1600

Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury - Brooklyn Office


We are available to take your call 24/7


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