Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers - 450 7th Ave Suite 1605, New York, NY 10123 - Personal Injury Lawyers in NYC

New York City Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

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New York City Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

NY Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Have you suffered a spinal cord injury due to another’s negligence or intentional misconduct? You may be entitled to seek compensation from the at-fault party. However, recovering the fair compensation you deserve can be an uphill battle without legal help.

The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers has represented NYC accident victims and families for over 25 years, recovering tens of millions of dollars in the process.

We help our clients achieve top results, with tens of millions in privately-negotiated settlements and jury awards recovered in cases involving car accidents, NYC pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and fall cases in Manhattan, brain injuries, and more.

Contact our law office for a free case review with a New York City spinal cord injury lawyer to discuss how we can help you. Call us at (212) 564-2800.

How the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Spinal Cord Injury in New York City

How the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, LLC Can Help You After a Spinal Cord Injury in New York City

If someone injured you, you should not be left with the financial burden of your medical expenses and other damages. Unfortunately, many SCI victims find themselves dealing with an uncaring insurance company and waiting years for resolution.

An experienced New York City personal injury lawyer can be invaluable to your injury claim, getting the quickest and fairest resolution possible.

The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers is committed to fighting for you. Our law office was founded by Jay S. Knispel, a Top 100 Trial Lawyer who has recovered multi-million-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients. He will put his extensive experience to work for you at the negotiation table and in the courtroom.

Here is how our law office is prepared to help you with your SCI case:

  • Give you the personal attention, resources, compassion, and legal advice you need
  • Work with top specialists to investigate your accident, gather crucial evidence, and build the strongest negligence case possible
  • Accurately value your damages
  • Fight back against the insurance company’s tactics
  • Negotiate with the insurance company to seek a fair settlement offer
  • Present your case to a jury to pursue maximum compensation

You do not have to face the insurance company alone. Call the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, LLC for a free consultation at our New York City, New York office. You pay no attorney’s fees unless we win your case because we work on contingency.

Overview of Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury (SCI) refers to an injury that damages nerves in the cauda equina or damage to the spinal cord itself. This disrupts signals between the body and the brain. Spinal cord injuries are one of the most devastating types of catastrophic injuries.

Spinal cord injuries are broadly divided into two types.

Complete Spinal Cord Injury

Complete spinal cord injuries are SCIs in which the spinal cord is completely severed. This destroys all function and sensation below the site of the injury. About 50% of SCIs are complete.

The most severe type of complete SCI is tetraplegia or quadriplegia, which causes paralysis from the neck down. Paraplegia affects both legs, allowing someone to retain use of their arms. Hemiplegia causes paralysis on one side of the body, while monoplegia is paralysis of one leg or one arm.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

In an incomplete spinal cord injury, the spinal cord is injured or compressed. However, the brain is still able to send signals lower than the injury site. Someone with an incomplete SCI can retain some amount of sensation and motor function.

There are several types of incomplete SCIs:

  • Anterior cord syndrome or an injury to the front of the spinal cord.
  • Central cord syndrome or nerve damage to the center of the spinal cord.
  • Brown-Sequard syndrome, or an injury to one side of the spinal cord.
  • Cauda Equina syndrome or damage to the nerve roots of the lumbar region.
  • Posterior cord syndrome, which is an injury to the back of the damage.

These injuries are more unpredictable than complete spinal cord injuries. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, victims may retain little or most sensation and motor function. Recovery may or may not be possible.

How Common Are Spinal Cord Injuries in New York City, NY?

According to the Spinal Cord Injury Research Board, nearly 1,100 people in New York suffer a traumatic SCI every year. Nationwide, there are 17,700 new SCIs per year, and there are currently around 288,000 Americans living with paralysis from an SCI.

What is My NYC Spinal Cord Injury Case Worth?

It’s impossible to estimate the value of spinal cord injury cases without an investigation. Every case is unique, and there are dozens of factors that influence your case’s value.

The severity of your injury, your long-term economic costs, and the amount of independence you maintain are the biggest factors affecting your claim’s value. However, available insurance coverages and comparative fault may also impact your case.

Spinal cord injury cases often exceed $1 million. The value of your case will depend on your current and future medical expenses and lost income related to your injury.

Contact the Law Office of Jay S. Knispel, LLC today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and how much it may be worth.

What Damages Are Available to Spinal Cord Injury Victims?

After a spinal cord injury, you are entitled to seek compensatory damages from the at-fault party. Of course, money is no replacement for the extensive losses and pain you have suffered, but it can help you get the medical treatment you need.

An injury victim may seek the following types of economic and non-economic damages:

  • Property damage
  • Lost wages and income
  • Current medical and future medical expenses
  • Other financial losses, such as home and vehicle modifications and domestic services
  • Personal losses, including your pain and suffering, anguish, distress, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, and more

Catastrophic injury cases often have a high value. You should expect insurance companies to fight your claim. They may try to minimize the extent of your damages or blame you for your accident. The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, LLC will fight back against these attempts to seek the full value of your losses.

Can I Still Recover Compensation if I’m Partially at Fault for My Spinal Cord Injury in New York?

Many spinal cord injuries are the result of accidents that involve shared blame or negligence.

Under New York’s pure comparative negligence rule, you can still recover compensation for your injuries as long as another party shares some blame. However, your damages will be reduced to account for your share of blame.

If you suffered $350,000 in damages but are 30% at fault, your recovery will be reduced by $105,000 (30%) to $245,000.

If you are being blamed for your accident, it’s vital that you contact an experienced New York City personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to fight back.

What Causes Most Spinal Cord Injuries in New York City, New York?

Spinal cord injuries are usually the result of sudden trauma to the vertebral column.

Leading causes of SCI include:

Spinal cord injuries can happen anywhere. Many victims suffer an SCI after a work-related accident, particularly a fall.

Spinal cord injuries can even be the result of less common but equally devastating accidents like medical malpractice or defective products. Medical and surgical error is attributed to about 4% of SCIs.

How Do I Prove Negligence After a Spinal Cord Injury in NYC?

Most personal injury cases are based on negligence. Proving negligence requires showing the defendant owed you a duty of care, breached their duty, and caused your injuries and damages.

Our New York City spinal cord injury attorneys use a wealth of evidence to build the strongest possible negligence case, including:

  • Maintenance logs
  • Driver logs
  • Black box data from a truck or vehicle
  • Results of an official investigation
  • Police citations
  • Accident reports
  • Subpoenaed cell phone records and GPS data
  • Drug and alcohol screening results
  • Surveillance footage
  • Witness statements and testimony from others regarding your injuries
  • Photos of the scene of the accident
  • Medical records

The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, LLC will work with experts in many fields, from accident reconstruction and medicine to finance and life care planning. These specialists can provide expert testimony that demonstrates the extent of your damages.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Spinal Cord Injury in New York?

Most personal injury cases have a three-year statute of limitations in New York. If you have lost a loved one due to an SCI, you have just two years to file a wrongful death claim.

Some cases may have more or less time to file, depending on the circumstances. For instance, negligence claims against a government entity have a far shorter statute of limitations.

Do not delay; contact the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, LLC for a free case review. We will begin building your case while you focus on your recovery.

Contact a New York City Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Do not allow an uncaring insurance company to mistreat you, blame you for your accident, or undervalue your claim. The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, LLC is committed to fighting for your rights.

Contact our law firm today for a free consultation with an experienced New York City spinal cord injury lawyer. You pay nothing out of pocket for the legal representation you need.

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450 7th Ave #1605, New York, NY 10123
(212) 564-2800
(516) 715-5944

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New York City Office 

450 7th Ave Suite 1605
New York, NY 10123
(212) 564 2800

Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury - New York City Office in 450 Seventh Ave., Suite 1605 New York, New York 10123


Brooklyn Office 

26 Court St., Suite 2511
Brooklyn, NY 11242
(718) 802-1600

Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury - Brooklyn Office in 26 Court St., Suite 2511 Brooklyn, New York 11242


We are available to take your call 24/7


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